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Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace b2b

Hello, my name is Ikhsan Noor Rosyidin, and i am an Indonesian. I'd like to promote something from my country.

Do you know Jepara, Bali, Kalimantan (borneo), or another place in Indonesia that have beautifull handicraft furniture?? Maybe you don't know that place, but maybe you already collecting furniture from those place.

JEPARA, a small city in located in Central Java Province, INDONESIA, has been wellknown as A Furniture Capital of The World. And, as a member of Indonesian Furniture Association (Asmindo), i proudly campaign for the new Brand Image of Jepara as THE WORLD CARVING CENTRE which was officially launched on May 15, 2008. Come and Visit Jepara for all wooden furniture in various ranges for both indoor and garden furniture. Or if you want to buy just follow this link.

I want to promote Indonesian furniture, that's why i join an seo contest, with keyword target: Indonesia Furniture handicraft Wholesale Marketplace. If you also want to join this contest, just follow this link: Indonesia Furniture handicraft Wholesale b2b.

The main reason why i join this contest is to promote the Indonesia Furniture handicraft. The seo contest it's self is not really matters to me. So, if you want to buy indonesian furnitue, visit Indonesia Furniture handicraft Wholesale b2b.

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